Proverbs 23:7
They got into Africa. They happened to meet this group of Africans whose systems were regular. They began checking and they found out that within 24 hours everything they had eaten had passed completely through their systems. From there it led to the roughage theory. This was already suspected, but for follow-up, researchers found some of this same group of Africans who had moved to Western society. This group was winding up with the same kinds of diseases as people in the West. So—when you cook string beans and take the strings off, your roughage is gone. The lesson for us: add some bran.”
—“Dick Gregory: Pilgrim in Search of Liberation” in Message March 1981
It was a great pleasure to speak with Todd Galberth and find out about the worship experience he is releasing next. I inquired about his method in creating an album and he said he is all about creating an experience for each project. Todd Galberth has released his new project “Encounter!” Look for artists like Chandler Moore, Tasha Cobbs, Anna Golden, and Naomi Raine. His first single “Better Than Good” has already blessed thousands as it reached No. 1 on the Billboard charts. He attributes his success to his dedication to his local church ministry. “Encounter” along with two of his projects can be found on any digital platform.
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© 2018 by the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists, 9705 Patuxent Woods Drive, Columbia, Maryland, 21046, U.S.A. Address editorial correspondence to MESSAGE MAGAZINE, 9705 Patuxent Woods Drive, Columbia, MD 21046-1565 U.S.A. All subscriptions are prepaid. If you did not order MESSAGE, it is being sent as a gift from a friend. You will not be billed. To subscribe, mail payment to MESSAGE, 1350 North Kings Road Nampa, ID 83687, U.S.A. or call 1-800-456-3991. Subscription price: one year, $19.95 U.S. currency; single copy, $4.00; overseas, add $10.00 per year for postage. Prices subject to change without notice. Periodicals Postage paid at Nampa, Idaho and additional offices. Vol. 87 No. 1 January/February 2021 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to MESSAGE, 1350 North Kings Road Nampa, ID 83687, U.S.A. Printed in the U.S.A.
Unless otherwise noted, Bible texts in this issue are from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Statements in this issue attributed by an author to other speakers/writers are included for the value of the individual statements only. No endorsement of those speakers’/writers’ other works or statements is intended or implied.
was the bounce of her curls and the vibrancy of her maroon pantsuit, flowing with her familiar gait that caused a sigh of relief and a tear of nostalgia. Just two weeks earlier, conspiracists and insurrectionists came within a hair’s breadth of a coup against the American government and its people. So, that moment when former first lady Michelle Obama descended the stairs into the sunshine at the Capitol building with President Barack Obama, for the Inauguration of Joseph Biden in January, served as a booster shot against the cold, encroachment of nihilism.
While, obviously, Michelle Obama is one of the most recognizable women in the world, and one of the most well-liked and respected, highlighting her fashion and her carriage here is more about the secrets behind the chill, than hero worship.
comparing and contrasting the Capitol Riots with the protests affirming Black Lives Matter Too or the Civil Rights Movement, it triggers the realities of racism and its impact on mental health.
Mental Health America states, “Racial trauma, or race-based traumatic stress (RBTS), refers to the mental and emotional injury caused by encounters with racial bias and ethnic discrimination, racism, and hate crime.” Consequently, these encounters or triggers come directly or indirectly. As it relates to directly, it references being on the receiving end of a racist attack. This can occur indirectly or vicariously by watching videos, hearing stories, or through reading books, articles, or blogs.
avigating the tender dynamic between body image, physical and mental exercise, and health within black women, Rachel L. Boutte, from Virginia Commonwealth University, explored this subject through her study, “Black Women and Body Image: Implications of the Racialized Body Aesthetic.” The results of her research found that “not only do Black women suffer from body image dissatisfaction but because of gendered racism, body dissatisfaction is central to understanding Black women’s physical and emotional wellbeing”
As based on Psalm 139:14 that we are fearfully and wonderfully made, the exploration of our physical and emotional wellbeing through our body image and relationship to faith and health are intrinsic.
o single event has diluted the negative stigma of online dating quite like the corona-virus pandemic. More people than ever are willing to give it a try these days, despite all the negative press it has received in the past. In her article, “Coronavirus has Changed Online Dating: Here’s why some say that’s a good thing,” Cortney Vinopal, from Ditch the Label says, “…a study conducted by Match found that…69% of singles said they’d be open to…meeting on a dating app during quarantine. Another 22%…said they’d consider entering an exclusive relationship with someone they hadn’t met in person.”
ith more than 150 million Americans voting in last year’s election, the right to vote politically is seen as sacred and exercised every two or four years. We elect leaders whose policies will aid and abet personal finances and economics. This is especially true for minorities and people of color. But why our communities perceive and exercise voting rights, power, process and outcomes exclusively in politics, but not more through the financial ecosystem, is a question we must thoroughly examine.
Economically speaking, blacks and other minorities cannot continue to vote economically by supporting institutions or organizations that fail to prize their economic strength, or represent their financial best interest. In the year 2020, the CEO of one financial institution expressed, out loud, that the reason more minorities are not in the organization’s leadership positions is because they cannot find “talented “minorities. Yet minorities continue investing in these institutions.
many ways, breaking bad habits and getting healthy is like escaping enslavement. The processed food (junk food), fast food, meat, and dairy industries all work to keep us on their metaphorical plantations so that they can make a profit. The connection of food and lifestyle to health is undeniable. African Americans disproportionately suffer poor health outcomes, and as the coronavirus has shown us, even new threats seem to disproportionately affect our people. If we are to be liberated, we must understand the methods of our bondage.
African Americans experience stress as do all Americans. However, racism—overt or hidden—is a unique stressor. [Eric Walsh] I remember working in Anniston, Alabama when a white woman said she would never let an N-word touch her. I was the physician that was supposed to see her in the clinic that day. I was stressed in a way that my white colleagues would never understand. Such personal experiences, combined with broader societal evidence of racism, can leave African Americans in a constant state of fight or flight.
mega 3s! A lot of studies have shown that when you have adequate or high amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids in your system your survival rate for COVID goes up. It’s important to get your immune system in shape so that if you do contract COVID, you will get through it just like any other cold, flu or virus that you’ve survived. Eating healthy foods like chia, flax and other seeds, walnuts, and almonds that are high in omega fatty acids, are what you need in your regular diet.
Many ascribe to fish oil as a source for Omega-3, but that’s not optimal. Fish get Omega-3 fatty acids from eating algae, which means you get it second-hand. The best way to ingest Omega-3 is through a direct source; not second or third hand.
will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well” Psalm 139:14.
David’s praise of God’s creative work with human beings is applicable in numerous ways. But we don’t celebrate how He created our brains enough. Rather than mere outcomes of evolutionary processes, coming together by chance, we were lovingly and intricately created as whole beings with a body that functions interdependently. The crowning aspect of our created selves, is our brains.
The above quote from Lao Tzu has circulated the earth for centuries. The question becomes how can my habits become my character? Well the answer lies in the Bible, that has existed centuries before Lao Tzu. Proverbs 23:7 says, “As a man thinketh…so is he.” This text seems to be saying what today’s research is bringing to light: our thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and experiences, change our brain chemistry, and eventually our brain structure; ultimately determining who we become.
ears ago, just before the highly-anticipated release of the iPad, the late Steve Jobs was asked by a journalist, “So, your kids must love the iPad?” The journalist assumed, of course, that the children of the founder of Apple must enjoy unrivaled screen time with constant access to the latest tech devices.
Well, not exactly. Steve Jobs explained in the interview that his children had never used an iPad! Not once. Far from being a house littered with devices where all eyes are continually glued to screens, the home of the CEO of Apple was a place where you would find family members eating meals together and conversing about meaningful things.
For the rest of us, though, it seems that entertainment and social media have almost totally saturated our lives. And that begs the question: Is it possible that modern media, even with all of its benefits and conveniences, has become the greatest distraction from the things most meaningful in life?
1939, Europe was struck by a massive epidemic of White on White violence, known as World War II. In 1940, Dr. Charles Drew was called upon to be the director of the Blood for Britain project to help the island nation survive the Nazi’s bombardment.
Born in 1904, Drew was internally driven to become a doctor after his 13-year-old sister, Elsie, died from the flu pandemic in 1920. The innovation he’s best known for was separating plasma (the liquid part of blood) from whole blood. Plasma could then be freeze-dried, stored for long periods of time, and reconstituted for transfusions to people of every blood type. This breakthrough, along with his management of Britain’s first blood bank saved thousands of lives.
In one prophetic sentence, the 500-year history and legacy of America is summarized.
The prophet John penned these words on the Isle of Patmos roughly around 95 AD.
I believe the answer can be summed up in a single word: power. People want a god they can control. But our God is in control, and He will not give us control. He cannot be summoned like a genie from a lamp to grant our wishes!
The false gods worshipped by the Israelites were not all-powerful, but they were thought to control various parts of life. For example, Asherah was a goddess of motherhood and fertility. She was supposed to bring her worshippers children and good harvests.
he Saviour saw that men were absorbed in getting gain, and were losing sight of eternal realities. He undertook to correct this evil. He sought to break the infatuating spell that was paralyzing the soul. Lifting up His voice He cried, “What is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” Matthew 16:26. He presents before fallen humanity the nobler world they have lost sight of, that they may behold eternal realities. He takes them to the threshold of the Infinite, flushed with the indescribable glory of God, and shows them the treasure there.
ollowing Jesus can be challenging. There seems to be so many demands to meet. Change this. Submit here. Humble yourself there. If that isn’t enough, there also seems to be so much to let go and give up. You may be thinking that I’m trying to convince you that it is all worth it. I believe it is, but what I want you to know is that you are worth it. How? Join me as we explore what Jesus says was given up.
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Dr. Eric Walsh
ne of the things that’s important about how we eat is how it affects our frontal lobe.
All of these things impact our frontal lobe, and this is relevant because the frontal lobe is the only part of our body that is salvific.
It is the equivalent of the Most Holy part of the sanctuary. This is where the shekinah glory of God falls. And so if you don’t manage your frontal lobe well, you actually impact your salvation.
It’s why one of the fruit of the spirit is temperance, right? Because there is a [need for a] reliable, and you have to have a frontal lobe that’s working. So Isaiah says in Isaiah 1:18 “Come, let us reason together, says the Lord. Thou your sins be as scarlet, they will be white as snow.” You have to be able to reason. So, all through the Bible it says “Be sober.” Why? Because when you are intoxicated you cannot reason. So for me, one of the things that came to me is when you look at Ecclesiastes 10:17 it says, “Blessed are you . . . when your princes eat in due season” because they eat for for strength and not for drunkenness.”
Am I allowing God to lead me in this, because this is what it gives me discernment, in these last days. . . . It became bigger than the health or weight or looks, it comes down to I want to be as close to Christ as possible.”
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