If I truly believe that whenever I pray I am granting the most powerful force in the universe permission to intervene in every aspect of my life, knowing that He will do only what’s in my best interest, then why in the world would I ever use prayer merely as a last resort?
—Charles A. Tapp, “When All You Can Do Is Pray”
Message November December 2010
When Kelontae Gavin introduced his powerful voice to the world, he sang a praise and worship song, “This Ain’t No Ordinary Worship.” Today he has come back with a powerful praise song claiming “Victory” on his new EP experience, “Hold Me Close.” After 2020, we need to focus on victory in our minds. In this new project, Kelontae shares the incredible and candid testimony of what happened to him when he was younger and the struggles of his journey as a new artist. Check out the video “Hold Me Close” on YouTube. His music is available on all digital platforms.
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© 2018 by the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists, 9705 Patuxent Woods Drive, Columbia, Maryland, 21046, U.S.A. Address editorial correspondence to MESSAGE MAGAZINE, 9705 Patuxent Woods Drive, Columbia, MD 21046-1565 U.S.A. All subscriptions are prepaid. If you did not order MESSAGE, it is being sent as a gift from a friend. You will not be billed. To subscribe, mail payment to MESSAGE, 1350 North Kings Road Nampa, ID 83687, U.S.A. or call 1-800-456-3991. Subscription price: one year, $19.95 U.S. currency; single copy, $4.00; overseas, add $10.00 per year for postage. Prices subject to change without notice. Periodicals Postage paid at Nampa, Idaho and additional offices. Vol. 87 No. 1 January/February 2021 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to MESSAGE, 1350 North Kings Road Nampa, ID 83687, U.S.A. Printed in the U.S.A.
Unless otherwise noted, Bible texts in this issue are from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Statements in this issue attributed by an author to other speakers/writers are included for the value of the individual statements only. No endorsement of those speakers’/writers’ other works or statements is intended or implied.
fter a painstaking search in the dusty records of an Kentucky recorder’s office, my friend Jacqueline Palmer found her ancestor Franklin Dale. Palmer and her cousins scanned large volumes to find clues and signs of life. All that remains are the legal entries in a book, and that’s where they discovered a ledger that indicated the portion of shares investors held on each enslaved soul. She tells the story in a Dayton Tedx video due out this month. Palmer’s great-grandfather and other family members had been reduced to commodities, with investors holding shares of their black bodies. Astonishingly, the portfolio of one self-styled entrepreneur included a 1/144th share of a human being.
Disgusted, but not surprised, Palmer remembered the prevailing thinking at that time caused a nation to apportion congressional representation by recognizing and counting African Americans, but only 3/5ths of each of them.
his month, the United States will witness the Inauguration and swearing-in ceremonies for the 46th Presdident. According to the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies (JCCIC) website, the purpose for the long-standing tradition is two-fold: “national renewal and continuity of leadership.” Considering the twists and turns in the 2020 Presidential Election process, we need to identify the American values for national renewal and continuity of leadership.
The Declaration of Independence serves as the founding document of America. It states,
ome of the best things to do to manage these times involve making choices that support a healthy immune system and healthier outcomes:
The Time of Departure
ho would have thunk it that when we began to write this column under the caption LifeTalk—with the January/February 2000 issue of Message—we would do so for 21 uninterrupted years? We didn’t!
What started as a conversation over lunch—in the fall of 1999 with Dwain Neilson Esmond at that time the associate editor of Message—has led us to this point. Dozens of columns, three editors—Ron Smith, Washington Johnson, and Carmela Monk Crawford—thousands of interactions with interested, captivating and gratified readers of questions posed, have filled our lives with blessings beyond measure.
“Then why are you leaving?” Glad you asked. Because we thought it prudent to choose a time of departure while there was still a degree of interest in what we have to say about relationships in general and intimate relationships in particular. We also consider that we have enjoyed the privilege of sharing through this modality in the public square long enough, and the time has come for other voices to be given an opportunity to be heard as they grapple with the weighty concerns of your lives.
Truth be told, at some level we feel like the Apostle Paul when he expressed his straightforward, sober and sincere sentiments about the reality of his circumstances when he announced in 2 Timothy 4:7; “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” As he writes to Timothy, his younger missionary associate, Paul is in prison in Rome and can read the proverbial handwriting on the wall. While Paul knew his time of departure was just around the corner and looked forward to his heavenly reward as final vindication for his work on earth, we are more in tune—at this juncture—with his declaration of keeping the faith.
think some of the most important financial lessons from the year 2020 are in the following areas.
Did anybody think of establishing an emergency fund for a global pandemic? Really, most people thought of having extra funds available for a recession, maybe depression or moments of unemployment, not through the lens of a global pandemic! Let’s reset and re-frame our thinking: we need a global, catastrophic, generational change fund, if not, our once-in-a-100-years-human-disaster-survival-fund.
ronically, the Slave Food journey began at a meal among old college friends. The conversation was filled with laughter and stories from the past, when out of the blue, one friend asked an honest yet probing question: “What’s the deal with black people?”
As the words left his mouth, the table conversation quieted, and all eyes darted in his direction. “Why are we sicker?”
Our friend explained that he was urged to have a prostate check and a colon cancer screening at an earlier age than his white colleagues and when he asked his doctor the reason for the recommendation, the doctor said it was “because he was black.”
ore than twenty years ago, my beginner’s swimming class just finished learning how to glide in the water using a technique known as “the superman”– where you put your head underwater, stretch out your hands, and push off the wall of the pool. Sitting on the poolside at six years old, there was one problem. I was too afraid to put my head in the water. Unfortunately for me, that was not the scariest lesson of the day.
The thought of jumping off the diving board gave me great stress, anxiety, and fear. As my toes inched toward the edge of the board, I froze. One of the lifeguards told me there is only one way off the board and that’s jumping into the water. When I refused the lifeguard gently tossed me in. That was one of the worst, most embarrassing days of my life.
ome of the polemics from the Senate race in the state of Georgia included the, resurrected and misappropriated statement that the Reverend Doctor Raphael Warnock made in a sermon 10 years ago.
At the crescendo of his sermon, Warnock said “You can’t serve God and the military…” . That statement has been used as the catapult to launch assertions that he is not patriotic and should not be elected to represent the state of Georgia as a Senator.
He did say those words, but, context still matters. The larger point that he was making in that sermon was that divided loyalty is idolatry. Misplaced priorities displace integrity. When principles and policy conflict, the principle should take precedence.
hurgood Marshall liked to clown around in the classroom when he was a boy. Although he never lost his sense of humor, Marshall grew up to be a serious civil rights champion in the courtroom. Marshall argued a record setting 32 Supreme Court cases and won 29 of them. He later became the first African American justice on the U.S. Supreme Court.
Thurgood Marshall couldn’t have risen to the nation’s highest court without some help. One person who provided a big boost to Marshall’s career was Charles Houston. Born in 1895, Houston suffered severe prejudice while serving in the U.S. Army during World War I. He vowed that if he lived through the war, he would become a lawyer and fight for equal rights.
Bowens’ research discovered citations of Paul’s work in early American legal pleadings where enslaved Africans appealed to colonial courts for relief and freedom from bondage. Literacy, at that point however, was a serious bar to the use of the scripture for enslaved African Americans who were new to the language and the land, prohibited from learning to read and write. Illiteracy, of the scriptures in particular, enabled enslavers to teach and preach a gospel corrupted by their self-interest. Their teachings included everything from racial differences, superiority or inferiority, whether they had souls, and even different origin stories—as though black people were not created by God. It was a common motif to persuade the enslaved that they had no god but their enslaver. Or, they asserted that enslavement was somehow uplifting.
God asserts that all the words of the Bible are His words, when he asserts: “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God . . .” (2 Timothy 3:16, NKJV), and that they are entirely sufficient to give us everything we need to live our best life—both now and for eternity:
When Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, they brought sin into God’s perfect creation. And humanity isn’t the only part of creation affected by the fall. The Apostle Paul says:
the people sat upon the green hillside, awaiting the words of the divine Teacher, their hearts were filled with thoughts of future glory. There were scribes and Pharisees who looked forward to the day when they should have dominion over the hated Romans, and possess the riches and splendor of the world’s great empire.
The poor peasants and fishermen hoped to hear the assurance that their wretched hovels, the scanty food, the life of toil, and fear of want were to be exchanged for mansions of plenty and days of ease. In place of the one coarse garment which was their covering by day, and their blanket at night, they hoped that Christ would give them the rich and costly robes of their conquerors. All hearts thrilled with the proud hope that Israel was soon to be honored before the nations as the chosen of the Lord, and Jerusalem exalted as the head of a universal kingdom.
imes can be hard and then seem to get even harder. Sometimes it seems the deck is stacked against you. No one wants to complain, but have you ever felt that life wasn’t fair? Maybe the challenges have impacted your spiritual life? You don’t feel like you’ve been on point with your relationship. You wonder about your standing with God. What if I told you that you are actually in one of the best places possible? Join us as we journey through the benefits of feeling like you don’t have enough.
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hile many lost loved ones, this year I found myself as one of over 30 million unemployed due to COVID-19. After some time I was thankful for the job I found, but the truth is it did not cover all my expenses.
You know what I did? I turned it over to God. You heard me right. I got to the point where I had exerted all of my strength, all of my resources, all of my connections. I had nothing left. So, I said “God, I have done all You asked of me and I cannot do any more. Please take this.”
While I focused on ministering to others, God focused on ministering to me.
Whatever you are going through during these unprecedented times of fear, loss, grief, loneliness, sickness, instability, and hopelessness, give it to God.
He is not quarantined from us. He hears our cries, sees our needs, and already has the answer. All we need to do is come to him believing that He is who he says he is, “for without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him” (Hebrews 11:6).
“The righteous care for the poor, the unrighteousness have no such concern” Proverbs 29:7.
And, he adds “Christ method alone will give true success in reaching the people,” Ministry of Healing, p. 143.3)
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here’s one thing we can all agree on about 2020––it certainly will be remembered as one of the most challenging and grief-stricken years in the history of our nation. With more than 300,000 Americans dead from COVID-19 at the time of this writing, and new infections daily, millions ravaged by huge waves of financial problems from the impact of the pandemic recession (which is disproportionately high for families of color), and the nightmare of racial injustice and police use of deadly force against Black people and other minorities, is it time to “flee to the mountains” as instructed in Matthew 24:16?
This question was posed to me shortly after the coronavirus pandemic began. As governments and business abruptly close around the world due to the unknowns of this deadly invisible disease, many people, especially believers, recognized this crisis from Jesus’ list of signs indicating that the Second Coming is near. This connection between COVID-19 and the end of the world is certainly reasonable. After all, Jesus Himself did include “pestilences” or “diseases” along with the other warnings of religious, political, and environmental turmoil in Matthew 24:6. So does the Lord Jesus want us now, in a global health pandemic, literally looking for lodges in mountains? Well, let’s briefly examine the context of Matthew 25:15-20 to understand what Jesus was saying to His original audience and what it means for our lives today.