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Change is needed to make communities of faith and houses of worship safe from predatory behavior.
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hurch-related sexual abuse is an alarming issue that has affected countless individuals and communities worldwide. This article aims to shed light on the prevalence of such abuse within religious institutions and the devastating consequences it can have on survivors. By examining real-life examples and statistical data, we can better understand the magnitude of this problem and the urgent need for action.
*Lanitra, a young outgoing, outspoken teenager was in her senior year of high school and destined for college in Huntsville, Alabama. She was active in her church, attending each Sabbath and participating in most of the events. Lanitra was captivated by the pastor, an older, charismatic, hell-and-brimstone speaker who often gave her compliments and special attention. She was being raised by a single mother and shared the home with two half-brothers. The siblings had different fathers. None of the fathers stayed in the home. Lanitra wasn’t considered “attractive” by industry or peer standards; however, she possessed a grown woman’s curvaceous body and early knowledge of sexuality and sensuality. She shared her body with many, including her brothers, and with the pastor. The pastor enticed Lanitra with cheap gifts and with small amounts of money – more than what her mother could provide for her. Lanitra felt special.
When Lanitra prepared for her second semester, she discovered she was pregnant with the pastor’s baby. Not wanting to taint his ministry or reputation, the pastor wired Lanitra enough money to obtain an abortion. He told her that if others found out she was pregnant with his child, they would be jealous, and would want to sever their special, secret relationship. She believed him and had a friend take her to the family planning clinic for the procedure. After the abortion, the pastor promptly stopped communicating with her, leaving Lanitra devastated and confused. Lanitra spiraled into promiscuity and careless behaviors as a result of the trauma she experienced at the hands of the trusted “overseer” of the flock.

Lanitra’s story serves as a haunting example of church-related sexual abuse. It highlights the vulnerability of young individuals seeking support and guidance within their religious communities. Lanitra’s encounters with the pastor, who abused his position of power, reveal the betrayal and trauma that survivors often face. Unfortunately, her experience is not unique, as many others have shared similar stories of abuse, both reported and silenced.

In 2018, the nation’s three largest insurance carriers reported an alarming number of annual reports of church-related sexual abuse, stating they received more than 260 cases each year. It is crucial to note that these figures encompass reports involving not only clergy but also church staff, volunteers, and members. This data alone underscore the deep-rooted issue within religious organizations that must be addressed with urgency.

Furthermore, national statistics reveal the widespread nature of childhood sexual abuse within the United States. According to reports, approximately one in four girls and one in 13 boys experience some form of childhood sexual abuse. These figures only represent those who have disclosed their experiences, meaning the actual numbers may be even higher.

Sexual abuse within churches is a deeply troubling issue that can have severe and lasting impact on individuals, families, and the entire community. A significant key to addressing these issues lies in highlighting the importance of gender equality and the need for vigilance in combating predatory behavior.

Survivors often endure long-lasting mental, emotional, and physical effects. The trauma inflicted can lead to increased fear, anxiety, insomnia, headaches, aggression, anger, and hostility. Moreover, survivors are more likely to suffer from poor self-esteem, higher rates of depression, and even risk engaging in suicidal behavior.

Families often find themselves grappling with feelings of powerlessness when faced with sexual abuse within the church. Lack of awareness regarding the extent of abuse, or its cover-up, adds to their distress. It is crucial for families to be informed, supported, and empowered throughout the healing process.

Finally, and not at all insignificantly, sexual abuse claims can have a catastrophic effect on churches, undermining their reputation and even leading to their demise. Settlement in lawsuits against clergy ranges from $300,000 to more than $3M per claimant, so the financial strain can be overwhelming. Sexual misconduct ranks as the top reason for church litigation, emphasizing the need for proactive measures.

To combat church-related sexual abuse effectively, religious institutions must confront the problem head-on. This involves implementing comprehensive preventative measures, including thorough background checks for clergy, volunteers, and staff. Additionally, creating safe reporting mechanisms, independent from the influence of church leadership, can encourage survivors to come forward and seek justice.

Moreover, raising awareness within religious communities about the signs of abuse and providing resources for support is essential. By fostering an environment of trust, understanding, and accountability, religious institutions can contribute to the healing and prevention of further harm.

Exploring the root causes of church-related sexual abuse is essential to understanding the factors that contribute to this alarming issue. While it is important to note that each case may have unique circumstances, several common underlying factors can contribute to the occurrence of such abuse within religious institutions. Here are five key factors to consider:

In many religious contexts, there is a significant power imbalance between leaders, or clergy, and their congregants. This power dynamic can create an environment where individuals in positions of authority may exploit their influence, trust, and control over others, including vulnerable individuals such as children, teenagers, or individuals seeking spiritual guidance.
Some religious institutions may lack effective mechanisms for addressing allegations of abuse or holding perpetrators accountable. This can be due to factors such as a desire to protect the reputation of the institution, the influence of hierarchical structures, or a lack of awareness and understanding of the seriousness of the issue.
Perpetrators may manipulate religious doctrine or teachings to justify their abusive behaviors. They may exploit concepts such as forgiveness, obedience, or submission to exert control over their victims, creating confusion, guilt, and shame that further silences survivors and prevents them from seeking help.
Religious communities may sometimes prioritize maintaining a pristine image or protecting the reputation of the institution over allegations of abuse and the needs of victims. This can create a culture of silence and shame that deters survivors from coming forward or seeking support. Fear of disbelief, retaliation, or exclusion from the community can further prevent disclosure.
Religious leaders and community members may lack the necessary education and training to effectively address and prevent sexual abuse. This can include inadequate knowledge about healthy boundaries, consent, and recognizing the signs of abuse, further perpetuating an environment where abusive behaviors go unnoticed or unaddressed.

So, addressing church-related sexual abuse requires a comprehensive approach that includes fostering a culture of openness, accountability, and support within religious institutions. It involves educating leaders and community members about preventing and responding to abuse, implementing clear policies and procedures for reporting and addressing allegations, providing support services for survivors, and promoting awareness and dialogue to remove the stigma associated with abuse.

By understanding and addressing these root causes, we can work towards creating safer and more inclusive religious communities where individuals of all ages can seek solace, support, and spiritual guidance without the fear of exploitation or abuse.

The Seventh-Day Adventist Church’s official insurance and risk management provider, Adventist Risk Management (ARM), has recognized the importance of addressing sexual abuse within its organization. Between 1993 and 2014, ARM reportedly paid out nearly $8 million in damages to compensate victims of sex abuse. In 2023, ARM launched a new initiative to screen for sexual predators, aiming to eliminate their employment within the church’s North American Division (NAD). The implementation of thorough background screenings, including an “insurability report,” demonstrates a commitment to safeguarding their members.

The issue of sexual abuse within churches continues to be a distressing reality for many families and church members. However, initiatives like the one undertaken by ARM provide hope for a more secure future. By empowering families, promoting gender equality, and implementing rigorous screening processes, churches can work towards preventing sexual abuse and fostering healing for survivors. Together, we can ensure that churches become places of solace and support rather than sources of harm.

One of the key aspects of combating sexual abuse within churches is empowering families with knowledge and resources. ARM recognizes the importance of educating parents and caregivers about recognizing signs of abuse and how to respond effectively. By equipping families with the tools they need to protect their loved ones, we can create a stronger defense against perpetrators.

The prevalence of predatory behavior within the “black” church is acknowledged as a significant concern. A shift towards promoting gender equality and increased visibility of female pastors, female elders, and female church leaders have contributed to a notable decrease in predatory behavior.

New rules, such as mandating male and female church leaders go together for home visits and including strong female voices on church boards, help create a safer environment. Furthermore, screening individuals working with children and implementing mandatory reporting for those working with youth are vital steps in preventing abuse.

In addition to empowering families, promoting gender equality is another crucial component in preventing sexual abuse. Addressing the systemic imbalances of power and fostering an environment of mutual respect and dignity can help dismantle the conditions that enable abuse to occur. When everyone is valued equally within the church, it becomes a space where individuals feel safe and supported.

Implementing rigorous screening processes is yet another important step in preventing sexual abuse within church settings. ARM advocates for thorough background checks and comprehensive interviewing procedures to ensure the safety of everyone involved. By screening both volunteers and employees, churches can significantly reduce the risk of perpetrators gaining access to vulnerable individuals.

Finally, while preventing sexual abuse is crucial, it is equally important to focus on the healing and support of survivors. Churches need to acknowledge and address the pain and trauma experienced by survivors. Providing safe spaces for survivors to share their stories and offering counseling and support services can facilitate the healing process. By offering a compassionate and understanding environment, churches can actively work towards restoring faith and trust in the aftermath of abuse.

The quote, “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph in this world is for good men to do nothing,” prompts us to see the importance of taking action against sexual abuse in churches. Proverbs 24:11-12 further emphasizes the duty of rescuing those being led astray. It is crucial for individuals within the church community to actively support survivors, advocate for change, and hold perpetrators accountable to create a safer environment.

*Lanitra’s name was changed to protect her identity.

DR. BEVERLY L. ROBINSON is a trauma-informed practitioner, committed to helping others find healing and wholeness. As a recently retired wealth management professional also specializing in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Beverly resides with her husband, Ted Odell Robinson in Asheville, NC.