Rashad burden
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Still Looking for That Gift?

ommercialism, consumerism, shallow spirituality, and sometimes painful family encounters certainly challenge the season of Advent. Christmas leaves many looking for that elusive “reason for the season.” What is it? Or, Who is it? While as many as 79% of African Americans identify as Christian, some think Christianity was hijacked by a white supremacist agenda. Does this season have a word from the ancient text that truly means peace and good will, to all?

Sunset Landscape
Read John 1:10, 11
The Bible, when speaking of Jesus, tells us He was in the world, and specifically, that “He came to His own, and His own received Him not.” By “His own” John refers to the special relationship Jesus had with His people. He was looking for them, but they missed Him. What stood in their way? What stands in ours?
Mountain sunset landscape
Read Matthew 11:28-30; 2 Peter 3:9; Revelation 22:17
How much does Jesus want you in His kingdom? Do you ever feel, based on the conditions in the world around us, that you, or people like you—race, age, gender, nationality, etc.—miss the promises of the kingdom? How do you separate what Jesus wants for you, and what the enemy has crafted as an evil substitute or distraction?
City skyline sunset
Read 2 Peter 3:14, 18; 1 John 3:1-3; Revelation 3:20, 21 and 7:13, 14
If you put yourself in these verses, what is the message to you? Is there a peace, and a gift with your name on it? What will it mean to claim that gift?
Beach landscape
Read Isaiah 40:6-8; 64:6; Hosea 4:6; and Galatians 6:8
Isn’t it true that the problem we have is we try to set up world peace on our own, doing it the way we’ve always wanted to? Is it possible for humanity to ever live together in peace and harmony? Why do you think so, or think not? Message us at @message1898, or hit us up on Facebook, messagemagazine and let us know what you think?
Brazil skyline
Read Revelation 13:11-18; 16:13-6; 18:6-24
Have you been burned by civil or religious authorities? At the time of His birth, Jesus entered the scene when Jews were beaten down under Roman occupation. At the time of His birth, the religious leaders—the central core to their community—were spiritually corrupt. So, the people got hit “coming and going.” Do you see parallels in our day? Where is it going to take us? At us–@message1898, or messagemagazine.
Desert sunset
Read Isaiah 2:10-12, 17-21; Psalm 50:1-5; Revelation 11:18
How has injustice affected your life? How much would it be worth it to you to see justice done in your life, and for the whole world? What will ultimately become of corrupt humanity’s arrogance and violence?
Read Matthew 24:14; Revelation 14:6-12; 18:1-5
Even God’s warnings are all inclusive. They cover everyone.
7: City Skyline
Read Isaiah 40:1; Revelation 17:12-14; 19:11-16; 21:1-8; 22:1-7
Meditate on what the Bible says about how Jesus will bring this thing to a close. The message God gave to Isaiah to prophesy could be summed up in one word: comfort. Through the promised Messiah, hurt, hatred, injustice, lack, pain, and sorrow would be eliminated forever. What will it take for you to believe it, receive it?
Rashad Burden is the senior pastor of the 31st Street Church in San Diego California.