Signs and Numbers title
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JOHN 10:16 says “And other sheep I have which are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they will hear my voice, and there will be one flock and one shepherd.”
HEBREWS 1:1 says “God who at various times and in different ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets…”
LUKE 2:8-13 which tells of the wondrous sign of extra-terrestrial beings appearing to shepherds, telling them that the Christ child was born. “And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly hosts praising God and saying…”
MATTHEW 2:1-12 is the familiar story of the wise men from the East who followed a star to find the young child Jesus. After finding him, they were divinely warned in a dream to return to their home countries another way.
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In the flow of His time, God has regularly moved among people before the funnel of Christian perspectives was developed. Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob became the genetic stream through which the Redeemer would come, but none of them were Christian, Mosaic or even Judaic. Therefore, believing in the superiority of Christ, caution should be applied before harshly condemning faith streams that preceded our own or that we fear because we do not understand them.
bull symbol representing the Taurus astrology sign
ASTROLOGY Though interesting and voluminous in anecdotal experiences, Astrology has not been embraced as a science. Therefore, charts and readings should not be the basis upon which life decisions are based.
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However, objectivity must concur that the Kings of the East who visited Joseph, Mary and Jesus were students of the stars, astronomers. We must also concur that they were astrologers because they sought, gleaned, and followed evidence in nature that revealed the divine intent of the Creator. Their probity in finding the Christ child is made infinitely easier today because of the biblical chronicle of the Messiah, whom they found.
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ELEMENTS Ancient religions on all of the continents practiced rites and built shrines at places where they felt evidence of vortexes of spiritual energy. They were tabernacles, not unlike smaller versions that Abraham and his progeny erected whenever they had epiphany experiences, or mega churches, academies and colleges in our contemporary era.

Rocks, stones and crystals are elements of the Earth. Standing with bare feet on freshly tilled soil and experiencing the tingling energy that causes seeds to sprout and plants to grow is called “grounding” or “earthing”. Lithium, that is used for long lasting batteries is mined from the earth. The efficacy of carrying a stone in one’s pocket, wearing them around the neck or adding copper threads to fabrics or wearing copper jewelry is still anecdotal.

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Again, caution is advised before attributing godly powers to elements of earth. Do not allow the pursuit of natural elements to take on idolatrous positions in your spirituality. Don’t worship what was created rather than the Creator.
sign that says "Readings Done Here"
READINGS Palm readings, tarot cards, and other sorceries are beyond the pale of reasonable spiritual exploration. Saul did it in 1st Samuel chapter 7. It was the last of his leadership errors. It did not work for him. You should not try it either. The safest reading that one can be a part of is to read the Bible every day.
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COUNSELING with a SPIRITUAL MENTOR or meeting with business consultants and performance coaches is okay.
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NUMBERS Numerology may have been a tool of the ancients to help people understand themselves and those around them. They may have had the same utility in antiquity as modern personality tests like the TJTA, Myers-Briggs, DISC, Firo-B, ACE study or 16PF personality tests.

On the other hand, numerology is more often ascribed to a spirit of divination. Acts 16:16 is often used to appropriately denigrate the satanic desire to counterfeit legitimate prophecy. As with all extra biblical study, prayerful and purposeful introspection should lead and guide in the study of dates, times, patterns and ordinal numbers, lest the baby of revelation be thrown out with the bath water.

As numbers relate to lotteries, gambling can become addictive and demoralizing. It is perniciously connected to all the other vices that corrode communities. The degrading spiral of gambling is built upon the money of those for whom it is only amusing entertainment. Two dollars “invested” in the hope of winning hundreds of millions seems innocuous. For you, it may be. For many others, it is not.

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The sum of all numerology is that ONE MAN DIED for the sins of us all. If we believe that He is the son of God and God raised Him from the dead, we are guaranteed eternal and abundant life. In this, we have already won the best lottery in all for the sins of us all. If we believe that He is the son of God and God raised Him from the dead, we are guaranteed eternal and abundant life. In this, we have already won the best lottery in all of history.
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AS JESUS DID The Old Testament, especially the book of Leviticus is replete with warnings and instructions to the developing nation of formerly enslaved people. Jesus, fully aware of these laws and standards, did not confront demons or demonic constructs unless they intersected with His immediate path. He was proactive, gracious and dynamic in freeing people from demonic bondage, when confronted with it.
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People who are interested in HEALING, PROPHECY, and GOOD LIVING may be more easily won to Christ by evidence of His love and providence than by fearful condemnation or entrenched hypocrisy. Yes, we should politically resist the encroachments of demonic mercantilism in our communities. Yes, we should answer the questions of seekers with informed passion and uplifting reason, as did the Apostle Paul at Mars Hill. Rather than reflexive polemics, studied deference will lead to respectful dialogue and bi- directional growth. May this be our end and goal.