Rashad burden
The Experience Logo
The Experience Logo
Why I am, what I am.

ou’ve heard that everything happens for a reason. What if I told you that everything happens to reveal your resilience and royalty? It doesn’t always feel like we are a chosen people set aside for greatness, but I want you to consider that your destiny is in high places. Join us as we examine a young man who is found sitting in the dirt but was predestined to be there for a divine purpose.

Sunset Landscape
Read John 9:1; Jeremiah 1:5
Jesus and his disciples come across a young man who was born blind. This young man has never perceived the blues in the sky, the greens in the leaves of the trees, or even the mud-brown of dirt. It seems so unfair, yet we know from scripture that God sees our very beginning. Have you ever thought God, or life wasn’t fair to you? You are not alone. What has happened or is happening that you feel isn’t fair? Share it with us here at Message on social media using #MessageMag.
Mountain sunset landscape
Read John 9:1-2; Proverbs 15:3
As the disciples take notice of the blind man, they voice their opinion about his predicament, and it isn’t positive. Has anyone every talked to you or about you, and they have no idea what’s going on in your life? They have never taken a step in your shoes, but they have so much to say. How did you handle it? Share it with us here at Message, #MessageMag.
City skyline sunset
Read John 9:2; 1 John 1:9; Isaiah 1:18
The disciples believed that this man was possibly being punished for sin committed even before he was born. I have no evidence but I’m convinced that being judgmental will cause us to look foolish in front of those about whom we’ve jumped to conclusions. Have you seen in God’s word where He asked us to make determinations about the reasons for people’s situation?
Beach landscape
Read John 9:3; 2 Corinthians 12:9
Jesus minced no words in response to the disciples’ speculation. This man’s predicament was not connected to any negative behavior. Let me say that again: Jesus told them this unfortunate situation was not a result of some wrong decision on anybody’s part. Someone who is reading this needs to know that while, yes, there are consequences for our actions, not every challenging situation came as a result of an unidentifiable or unexposed sin or backsliding. Meditate on this thought.
Brazil skyline
Read John 9:3: Romans 8:28; Isaiah 46:10
After Jesus challenged their misperception, He provoked His disciples with the real reason things were the way they were. Are you ready? Did you read it? Jesus said that the reason this man had never seen the face of his mother and father, or the multi-toned sky when the sun set was because the works of God are meant to be displayed in him. What does that mean? Help us and share your thoughts on social media using #MessageMag.
Desert sunset
Read Revelation 3:18
In the time that we live it is easy to lose yourself. We are bombarded with news, good and bad, constantly. We are conditioned to be self-centered and that can cause our low moments to seem like an eternity. Life can feel like you are literally living in the dirt. The ray of hope is that Jesus is constantly inviting us to better. He never wants the muck we are in to mis-define our amazing destiny.
City skyline sunset landscape
Read John 9:3; 2 Corinthians 4:17
This individual has lived without what many of us take for granted his whole life. What seemed to define him in a negative way, God planned as his destiny, to shine light in the midst of darkness. I want you to know that you are who you are and deal with what you deal with because God knew you would be more refined that defined. The answer to the question: Why I am what I am is simply because God knows the times, places, and people He has uniquely created you to expose them to His power.
Rashad Burden is the pastor of Mount Olive Seventh-day Adventist Church and Shiloh Seventh-day Adventist Church, both in southern Alabama.