Optimal Living
Family Planning
Build Your Own Ark
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By Noah Washington
hile you’re making plans and goals for the New Year know that the devil also makes plans. He probably started making his plans a lot sooner than you did. Arguably, all the plans we make can probably be narrowed down into four main areas: financial, health, self-improvement, and spiritual. All of these plans are needed and necessary. However, I want to share something that many of us rarely have plans for, but it causes us some of the most stress and strain throughout the year — our family — and we need a counteroffensive to face the onslaught of the enemy.

God placed you in your family. There was no conversation to inform Him of your preferred family status and structure. Instead, when you were born you discovered the family He decided would be yours. And, I would argue your placement there was by divine design. Whatever the challenges and difficulties — that’s your family! However, instead of viewing it from a negative vantage point, as a group of people that is constantly holding you back from achieving your best, let me offer an interesting perspective that I believe can change the total trajectory of your family.

When Your Family is in Deep Water
Genesis 6 paints a very troubling picture of the family. Apparently, the people of God formed several relationships with individuals who were not connected with God. When they hooked up, they produced children who were totally against God.

“The wickedness of man is great on the earth, and every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” And because the wickedness was so bad, the Bible says, “…the Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart.”

Worse yet, because the wickedness was so bad, God’s planned to start over. His decided to destroy the world, and everyone and everything on it by flood.

But because this guy in Scripture named, Noah, found grace in the eyes of the Lord, God told Noah what He was about to do and instructed him to build an ark to save his family.

Although scholars debate whether Noah actually preached for 120 years, or whether life expectancy eroded drastically to just 120 years because of the wickedness of man, there are arguments for both. However, the context of the story teaches that there was a period of time when Noah built an ark because of the coming flood. Then, the flood came and destroyed everything.

For years, I always heard this story taught as if Noah preached and asked the people to come into the ark so they would be saved from the flood.

First, the Bible says in Genesis 1:6 that people started multiplying on the earth. If everyone alive would have signed up to get into the ark, the ark would have actually been too small to accommodate them.

True, Noah built the ark based on the dimensions that God set. He built the ark for himself, his family, and the animals that God asked him to take, and that the angels led onto the ark. Maybe Noah modeled what was supposed to happen.

“Hey guys, I am building an ark for me and my family. I suggest you do the same!”

Then and Now
Everyone needs to build an ark for their own individual family based on the dimensions needed for their family. How can I build an ark for my family?

  • Access the spiritual needs and conditions of your family. One size does not fit all, and every family has different needs.
  • Extend grace to your family members. Give your family members the grace that God extends to you, daily. When you realize how much God loves you, it should enable you to love people as well.
  • Pray daily for your family members. I wonder how God would respond, if every single day this year you offer up a sacrifice of prayer for your family members?

It’s a new year again. Let’s do something different. Let’s begin building an ark, to save our family.

NOAH WASHINGTON, D. Min., pastors Miracle City, a faith community in Baltimore, Maryland. He specializes in couples’ ministry and the science of modern dating.