Beauty for Ashes Life Lessons from the Book of Ruth Title
Beauty for Ashes Life Lessons from the Book of Ruth Title
he story of Ruth never fails to communicate how God’s unconditional love can locate and transform anyone. The book of Ruth demonstrates the power of a collective faith and hope in God, which is exemplary for every believer in our Christian journeys.
1Have faith in God. Be convinced that God can help you out of any situation.
How bad or worse could life be for Naomi? She experienced shame, deep sorrow, hurt, pains, and loss—not once—and more than twice. According to Scripture, she survived her husband and two sons. But her change began the moment she heard that God had visited her people back home. Faith rose in her heart and she said, “I am going back too!”

“Then she arose with her daughters-in-law that she might return from the country of Moab, for she had heard in the country of Moab that the Lord had visited His people by giving them bread” (Ruth 1:6, NKJV).

As God’s children, we should never settle for less, no matter what happens. There is always a way out with God. Sometimes we find ourselves in some situations because of the wrong choices or decisions we’ve made. Other times, it is life that is just throwing stones at us. Whatever the case may be, there is never a dead end with God. Hopelessness and helplessness happen when we subscribe to the lies that even God can’t help us.

Ruth also had the same conviction as Naomi. She said, “Entreat me not to leave you, Or to turn back from following after you; For wherever you go, I will go; And wherever you lodge, I will lodge; Your people shall be my people, And your God, my God” (Ruth 1:16, NKJV).

Whatever the case may be, there is never a dead end with God.
2Act on your faith. Make a decision towards your desired change of story. Be determined.
Naomi got to the point of “enough is enough.” She decided to take the step of faith to end her misery. Note that she was prepared to despise the shame because it is, indeed, shameful to travel abroad for greener pastures and then return empty. But often, “what will people say” is an enemy of progress. Your desire for change must outweigh any other concerns. God still gives beauty for ashes; that was the highlight of Naomi’s testimony!

Naomi may not have known what the outcome of her decision would be, but she took a step anyway. It was a case of, “whatever happens when I get home, I am not staying back here.”

Can we observe that the outcome Naomi desired had little connection to her capacity for it? She was already old, with limited opportunities at that point to work for a better life. But the moment she connected her faith with God, a helper was raised for her—Ruth. And it was from one help to another; Ruth helped, and Boaz helped. God used them both for her.

Even though Naomi was being helped, she didn’t just sit down. She played her part—brainstorming, strategizing, telling Ruth what to do and complementing her efforts.

The truth is we can never know the help God has put in place for us until we launch out in faith. Our actions and relentless efforts toward what we desire will also attract people’s willingness to help or assist us.

3Be willing to take risks.
Naomi aimed for optimal and pushed her hopes past mere survival or having food to eat. She wanted to restore the destiny and dignity of her family. She must have thought, “If only Boaz will marry Ruth, then our family will be redeemed.” She shared her plans with Ruth and they were ready to go for it. Yes, it was a risk. What if Boaz was not interested? These women took a step alongside their faith, and their story eventually changed.

“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God” (Romans 8:14, NKJV). Be willing to take giant steps; search your spirit; what options or ideas are coming to your mind? Prayerfully follow God’s lead. Don’t allow fear to keep you from taking giant strides. Encourage yourself in the Lord and act through your faith.

Ajibola BellO is an author and creative writer. She resides in Lagos, Nigeria.